
The State of Customer Feedback in Product Teams

Get the report now to benchmark where you are at and learn best practices from other companies when it comes to Voice of the Customer.

Here are some of the things you will find out in this report:

  • Who owns customer feedback?
  • How much time do product teams spend with feedback analysis?
  • Where in the product management process can feedback be incorporated?
  • What are the common challenges and bottlenecks?
  • And more

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About the report

From tools, challenges, and processes to metrics and Voice of Customer ownership, this report analyzes how product teams are using leveraging feedback to make more informed decisions.

We all know that understanding our customers and their needs is the first step in building successful products. This means there is no great product management if companies don’t listen - and act - on customer feedback.

But how is that being done today? Who is leading that? And what are the challenges faced by companies?

In this survey with product professionals across the globe, from multiple industries and company sizes, we asked it all - the easy and hard questions - with the goal of understanding where companies are when it comes to using qualitative feedback data to help them drive product decisions.

Get the report now to benchmark where you are at and learn best practices from other companies when it comes to Voice of the Customer.

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